Find someone in your company that shares your vision of developing a carbon neutral strategy. It may be a fellow CXO or even board member. Have some coffee and share ideas about the vision and ways to reduce carbon. This may evolve into a comprehensive governance model and plan, but the first step is just sharing the idea.
Just like other CIO partners, your company is an important customer to your utility (aka power vendor). If you are a large organization, they will likely want to meet with you to share their carbon neutral vision, free consulting services and IT tools to manage your power costs. Your power vendor also has detailed data on your consumption and end points.
Investors, bond agencies and the federal government have begun to track data and form specific methods to measure carbon zero and sustainable initiatives. Like all other plans, your plan will mature over time. . . the key is to get started with a thoughtful framework and data you already have and can get. This isn't your successors problem, it's yours- let's go!
This is where the CIO eco-system can be very powerful. Ask your company's top 50 vendors to share their carbon neutral plan. For each new vendor you engage, ask them to send you their plan to be carbon zero. This is similar to other paperwork you request (MSA, ISA, etc).
Engage your marketing team, Board and share your journey with your employees and partners. According to Yale Climate Communications, 60% of the US are concerned about climate change, its close to 90% of the Millennial generation. Start an employee advisory council to get ideas- it will make you a better place to work in a competitive labor market.
If you have read this far, thank you. This beautiful, magical planet is ours to defend! CIOs are unique in our ecosystem and our organizations. Like the other projects we lead, imagine how this little project can grow into something powerful in 2-3 years!
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